Lead Gen • Marcom • Digital

Mitigating VSAT Interference in Minutes

Challenge: Kratos had recently purchased a new and unique technology that enabled the identification of VSAT terminals causing radio frequency interference. The technology fit very well into Kratos’ extensive portfolio of RF monitoring and mitigation products. The key challenge was creating awareness in the satellite market about this new capability to a broader audience.

Solution: To create more awareness in the market, an 18 month long marketing program was developed. The program included four phases – the first phase was the announcement of this new acquisition to customers and partners. The second phase included a pre-marketing and positioning initiative which included interviewing eleven existing and prospective customers of the VSAT technology to learn how to position the technology in the market. The third phase involved a roll-out of the marketing program to the satellite market. This included a breakfast panel event at the largest tradeshow of the year - Satellite 2017. A key customer was included in the panel session discussing their needs and how they were resolved their issues with this technology. The event was video recorded so the content could be used on the website. In total seventeen videos were created from the event. A follow-up webinar was hosted for tradeshow attendees that expressed an interest in the technology. Another event which was more sales centric was held in Singapore at the CommunicAsia show to generate prospects in Asia. Several emails were also sent out promoting the videos. Then in the fourth phase, on-going marketing was used to continue to promote additional VSAT gelocation technology to prospects and to nurture leads.

• Breakfast event at Satellite 2017 - registered 268 and 133 attended (almost 50%)
• Developed a Kratos microsite to host seventeen videos
• Follow-up webinar event - registered: 34 and attended: 20 (58%)
• Sent out multiple email promotions and used telemarketing
• CommunicAsia event - registered 71 people for the event and 55 attended (70%)
• 38 total sales opps (over $6M) – 76% created during or soon after Satellite and CommunicAsia shows (March –July)